He is your eyes
An infrared bullet camera of any make will be your eyes.

He knows what to look out for.
Within milliseconds, the behaviour, pattern, looks and movement of the approaching person will be analysed by the A.I. for suspicious activity.

He learns and adapts
Once the A.I. decides that the approaching entity is not a threat, the A.I will update its knowledge and re-evaluate the movement and gesture learning database.

He acts quickly
If signs of ill intent are present, ULIXES will inform our call centre where our dedicated operators take over in handling the situation.

ULIXES’s human team takes over
The authorities will be informed. From our false alarm prevention system, we are able to maintain a 100% police arrival rate. You and the person on duty will be informed. Our operator will keep you updated in real-time while the issue is managed. Safety precaution will be taken to ensure the personnel present are protected from harm’s way.

ULIXES’s Assertive Act Kicks in sending the robbers on their way.
The intruders will be commanded in an effective and assertive manner at the break in site itself, to immediately vacate the premise. This has proven to be the quickest and most useful method in scaring off robbers.