Who is ULIXES ?

above and beyond.

Imagine a security solution so clever and resourceful, so predictive and intelligent that it outperforms current and available security systems for businesses and many other premises. Since its conception, it has surpassed our expectations. Equipped with a centralised knowledge hub, our ULIXES will only grow smarter as the number of its users increase. From potential break-ins and other incidents, our A.I. studies the patterns of the intruders or mishaps – to be used as future references and action.

More effective detection

ULIXES is created to assist our technicians in detecting threats in your premise.

Organic Intelligence

Our human confirmation will help the A.I distinguish intruders from visitors and passers-by, and other non-threats.

Why is ULIXES better?

Reduces false alarms by 98%.
Maintains 100% police arrival rate.

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